Flutter For Absolute Beginners | Get Started In Minutes

Want to make great applications , put them on playstore earn ,explore , and kickstart your career as an Freelancer as app dev or Maybe planning for that big Startup you always dreamed of , But what you found android development , ios development lots of code , complex structure and lots of concepts and out of all “Implementing that great UI of Spotify or Netflix ” . That is too much work . What Now should I quit ?
Flutter got you covered ….
Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
Now , Flutter is an framework which gives you the capability to develop cross platform applications from just one single language ‘dart’ and from concepts of widgets and states , and you can actually build that fancy UI much faster and easier then your android or ios freinds who will be sitting writting loads of XMl or YAML . So lets DIVE .
To Download/Install Flutter on your machine you can follow this procedure :
Link to install → https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install
2 . After Installing you can choose your editor either android Studio which is an IDE (editor) basically with lot of cool features and capabilities or you can use VSCode too .
recommended approach : If you don’t have android studio or android sdk on your machine you will definitely need it whether you work on vscode or android studio because for running your applications on mobile or emulator you need something as Gradle (for now just see it as your helper friend who does all your stuff from compiling , cleaning etc . Link to install android studio → https://developer.android.com/studio
Now after Installing Flutter and dart plugins you can open Your terminal or Command prompt or mac terminal open it from your vs code or android studio and write this command →
flutter doctor
This command shows you what are the required things that are missing ensure to have all green ticks .(sometimes not necessary )

Next to create a new project with any name you choose ..
flutter create <your app name>

Now you will see these all things which are all the necessary files and you can see different folders . For now focus on main.dart file this is from where your app runs if you press F5 on your computer it will start running your app (built -in one) . There will be options you can run on chrome or on your emulator or use usb cable and run on your phone remember to enable “USB Debugging” options in your phone to run it on your device .
You Can see an Counter Application in front of You how to use you know already like you use normal application and best part is this application is running on chrome like is it a website you run it on a mac device it will run same there too That brilliancy of Cross Platform Frameworks .
Widgets And States ?
In the code of main.dart you can see two every common terms Stateless Widget , and Material App . So In Flutter Every thing works on widgets These you can say are like the building blocks which make up your flutter application MaterialApp is an Widgets morever Scaffold is also a Widget you may encounter for more you can read about more from here
→ https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/widgets-intro
And State is of two kinds Stateless which is fixed or do not change for example Lightbulb is glowing with yellow color but , what if we want to change the color on tap of a button Then comes use of Stateful Widgets , And its magical function setState() , What switch off the light okay
setState(){ isGlowing = False } ;
And there are other components too like Buttons , Appbar , BottomNavigationBar , Text, Row and Column to put your elements in a horizontal or vertical pattern . So for this article is getting longer , I hope I was able to give you start you can explore more and build your applications
This is cookbook provided by flutter → https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook you can always find help on flutter official website and docs .
PS : I am always available for your help on flutter so mail me your doubts and I will be writting more stuff related to app development involving how to use tech stack like firebase and cloud So stay tuned .